Australian Rafting Federation

Our History

In order to qualify for the International Rafting Federation World Rafting Championships (IRF WRC), teams are selected through recognised National and International selection systems that verify their ability as the world’s best white water rafting teams

ARF teams have consistently maintained a high profile in the history of world class rafting competition across the divisions, including successful Women’s and Under 19’s in more recent years attracting substantial national and international print and electronic media attention.

Our teams have been profiled in Paddler Magazine, Sydney Morning Herald and numerous regional television and newspaper articles and stories.

Success in elite rafting competition comes through commitment and discipline in  training and skills development. Australian teams have always demonstrated a strong work ethic involving personal and team training schedules reflecting desire to be world Champions.

Naturally, sponsorship and other key partnerships are vital to our ongoing success. We believe our teams’ successes at national and international competition is within our grasp and can always be enhanced through sponsorship, collaboration and investment. We always welcome additional partnerships and sponsorship to achieve our vision.

In 2021, we adopted our new logo and retired our old platypus logo: